Against the soft backdrop of cool, gray skies and verdant spring, we found art. We oogled at human form captured in marble and bronze, flesh and bone, living, breathing, animate, timeless, universal, immodest. Spring blossoms, curvaceous and colorful, memorialized in oil pastels and canvas, popped through greenery, scented the air, dripped with raindrops, and
excited the senses. Beguiled by angiosperms, we lingered in parks, devouring baguettes and fromage, sipping wine and sparkling water, filling the air with dual articulated thought worlds.
We wanted nothing. Speaking a botched French-Polish-Spanish-English mix, we communicated our desires, which were received and fulfilled graciously. We felt at home in Paris with its outlandish pleasantries, rich familiarities, wanton fortune, harbingers of America.
In Chuck the Gaul airport, we slid into the belly of a fat airbus. As our flesh-filled vessel sliced the air westward, our foreign journeys drew to a close. In a few hours, we approached our kinfolk and our homeland. With a few good stories and enthusiasm for the ever changing present moment, we end our travel blog. Thanks for reading. See you soon!
G and C, C and G
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